How a person has accumulated money, should not be interested in anyone if he acted within the law. Another question is what he will do with them! After all, there are so many organizations, offers profitably, put your capital under a large percentage. And it really seduces. But if you do not have a financial education, then without the advice of an understanding person, it is better not to take risks. After all, there is a very good alternative – a bank deposit.
People often do not trust banking institutions. After all, in cases of bankruptcy of the bank, this will sound in all the news, and write in every newspaper. Because of this, there is a fear of loss of your money. But how much it is likely to lose their savings? Each bank that offers to place your money from him is included in the deposit guarantee fund. At the moment, this implies, in cases of bankruptcy of the bank, a return in the amount of 150 thousand hryvnias (soon 200,000), one deposit. Often such cases? Very rarely. For example, the fund has an amount of 6 billion hryvnias. The last case of bankruptcy of the bank forced to use 200 million hryvnias to return money to depositors. There are serious reasons to worry?
And what will give you deposits to a high percentage in the bank? If you choose a deposit with interest capitalization, and a monthly payment, then having a significant amount on the deposit, you can live on interest received, and increase your capital. Many people do just that. After all, passive income should be your main! That you allow you to work less, and enjoy life more.
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