The vice of the California rabbit was created in the United States of America through the use of the methodology of the most complex crossing of breeds New Zealand white and Russian mining, as well as large chinchilla. California rabbit rabbits are characterized. Females of this breed have good milking.
Rabbits feed about eight rabbits in one litter. Rabbits who represent the Kalifornia rabbit, as well as New Zealand white rabbit, are used mainly in order to grow rabbit broilers. Per year from the female, you can get four to five okrolov per year. The weight of the carcass of the rabbit is stably located behind a mark of one kilogram. At the same time, sixty percent of weight is meat. California rabbit rabbits have a compact trunk, a thin skeleton, a well -omede and wide back. The type of physique is zeris. The back line is flat. White hairline with reflection, lower part of the paws, the tip of the muzzle and ears are black, or dark brown. In breeding rabbits, a mini -tractor will help you, with the passing it you can take out the garbage from cells, serve and transport the like things.
According to many researchers, adult rabbits reach a weight of four kilograms in males up to five kilograms of females. Males are slightly inferior in these indicators – about three and a half – four and a half kilograms.
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