Stretch ceilings are much better compared to ordinary ceilings. Stretch ceilings are a beautifully designed design comparable except with a work of art. Only stretch clips ceilings can make the interior of any room, whether it is a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen or even an office, much more attractive and interesting. And do not forget that suspended ceilings are incomparable with ordinary finishes, they are hundreds of times superior.
Firstly, stretch ceilings are installed quickly, their installation will take only a few hours. Secondly, the installation of suspended ceilings does not require a lot of work. Thirdly, they have a very aesthetic look and very reliable, in terms of leaks. And finally, stretch ceilings give free rein to design fantasies, allowing the designer to realize any idea. And these are far from all the advantages of stretch ceilings.
Stretch ceilings are divided into two types – these are stretch ceilings made of PVC, made by connecting a film made of polyvinyl chloride and long -known fabric seamless stretch ceilings for a long time.
The main advantages of stretch ceilings:
• installation is carried out for only a few hours;
• During installation does not appear dust and mountains of garbage;
• the surface of the ceiling can be washed with a simple fabric moistened in water;
• a stretch ceiling can last from 15-20 years;
• The shrinkage of the building does not affect the ceiling;
• The ceiling protects against leaks, it is able to hold on 1 sq. m up to 100 liters of water, not allowing it to spread around the room;
• After the leak, the entire room and the entire ceiling are not required, you just need to replace the damaged part.
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