The repair should start with a detailed inspection of the house and drawing up a plan for its reconstruction on the principle of the project, which contains mention and details of all planned work, a list of materials and the alleged cost of costs. In the performance of each individual owner of the house, the plan will have its own appearance, but as a basis for it you can use about the following scheme:
– project formation;
– calculation of the need for materials and tools, determining the cost of each unit, compiling an estimate; By the way, now many people buy inexpensive electric saws very popular.
– work on the repair and restoration of communications – water supply, sewage, heating, gas and electrical systems in the house;
– repair of window openings, replacement of doors and windows;
– roof work – replacement or repair of the rafter system, roof, attic;
– work on the facade;
– work in the bathrooms;
– work in the kitchen;
– Work in residential premises.
The list of materials and tools should be taken very seriously, for which the advice of an experienced master is needed. One of the options for obtaining information is a contractual service for the preparation of an estimate for repairing a house and drawing up a repair project. Construction and consulting companies can provide this service, there is no need to directly repair them.
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