Everyone knows that repair is a serious thing, and not everyone can finish the whole thing, so the repair in the apartment can continue forever.
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For some people, the repair is in a circle, so far, for now, you would finish the last room, and in others it’s time to redo everything, and this is how it is long for a long time, because not everyone can take a lot of time to repair, because we have other things to have other things.
Most often, the reasons for long repairs are: the wrong action of actions or the place from which the repair was started. It is best of course to start repairs with those rooms that will not suffer from further repairs in other rooms. Also doors, painting ceilings: all this must be postponed at the very end of the work, first you need to do too dusty work, otherwise new ceilings and doors may suffer.
So, we build important work in order: we start with the floor screed in all rooms under repair. Next, it is necessary to catch the wiring and leve the walls, so on the windows we bring the order and, of course, mount the ceilings. And so, after all dusty work, we switch to the reproduction of clean, after all the completed work, we must do wet cleaning.
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